Are you dreaming of the good life?

We offer a life in balance, growth, and in nature with plenty of space

Seize all the opportunities

Get fresh wind in your hair, intimacy in the local community and lots of sports and culture

Are you dreaming of the good life?

Nature keeps open house every day, and we have good housing facilities and vacant jobs.

Seize all the opportunities

We are also home to the Jutlanders, who are renowned for their growth mindset - we need your labour.


Would you like a job, live in a good area, being able to afford living and experiencing adventures? Would you like to give your children a safe and healthy upbringing with lots of space in a clean nature? Move to the biggest municipality in Denmark.


Commuting distances

0-30-minute drive
30-60-minute drive


We offer jobs to everybody. The big production companies in Western Jutland are constantly on the lookout for specialists or people, who might qualify as such. You can easily live here and work in a totally different place. There is a huge surrounding job area if you settle in Ringkøbing-Skjern. You need not drive for half an hour or one hour queuing up to get out of town, when you go to work. You can go directly and will therefore quickly be able to reach Herning, Holstebro, Esbjerg, or even further away.

We have compiled all job vacancies within reasonable driving distance here.

The Chinnow family

German family:

Good working conditions leaving room for a family life close to the North Sea

In 2019 the Chinnow family moved from Löbau in Germany to Hvide Sande in Denmark. Four years later the family is not in doubt: -We’ll stay here!

The couple Dagmar and Udo are working at the local companies, Hvide Sande Røgeri and Danwest, and they both see the career opportunities as one of the really big gains of having moved to Ringkøbing-Skjern Kommune. Here they have been able to let go of their previous worries about job safety and fair pay, and last year their dream of buying their own house came true. 

The two children, Pauline and Pepe, are also happy about having moved to Hvide Sande. They like their new school and appreciate the Danish school system with less tests and more variety during the day. 

In Ringkøbing-Skjern Kommune the family has found both tranquility, a house, career opportunities, and new friends. When the holiday makers have to go back after 1-2 weeks’ holiday all four of them are pleased that they can stay and fulfil more dreams in the middle between the North Sea and Ringkøbing Fjord.

The Chinnow family - Read the full story here

Iwona and Jarek

Polish family:

Nature and good conditions for the children are crucial

It is first and foremost the good conditions for the children and the clean and beautiful nature that Iwona and Jarek emphasize when expressing why they have chosen to settle in Ringkøbing-Skjern Municipality in Denmark. In the past two years Iwona and Jarek have been living in the village of Finderup together with their joint child Diego and Jarek’s son Manuel and his daughter Karolina.

”The child-care facilities here are simply so good. They do so much for the development of children. For instance, they are allowed to cook and do woodwork when they can handle a knife– even though it may be a little dangerous. Besides, they also spend a lot of time in nature. In all sorts of weather. It is so healthy for them”, says Iwona who is also really happy with the schools.

”However, the best thing is that you exist to live here – which means that you don’t just constantly work, but you work in order to also live in your spare time”, says Iwona, and Jarek agrees. That was the very reason why he came to Denmark to work, since - as a self-employed motor mechanic with his own construction firm - he just worked and worked without earning sufficient to live on. On top of that he did not have any spare time whatsoever.


Iwona og Jarek - Read the full story here