Digital Signature - MitID
MitID is your digital signature and is just as legally binding as your personal signature on a document.
You need your digital signature, as the Danish authorities are sending almost all mail to the citizens electronically, and to a great extent it requires that you use digital solutions when filling in forms to public authorities.
You also need your digital signature if you wish to use the electronic self-service options/netbank of the banks, just as a number of companies, i.a. insurance and pension companies give access to self-service solutions by means of your digital signature.
Read more: Apply for MitID
Denmark has recently replaced NemID with MitID.
You can use MitID almost immediately once the MitID app is downloaded on your smartphone or tablet.
Look here: How to get MitID and MitID – A quick guide.
You can also get MitID with a foreign passport/international ID card.
As a foreigner or as a Dane with an eID from another EU/EEA country, you can use Danish digital self-services. Read more here.
You can read more in English about electronic mail on E-BOKS.