If you feel like settling in a village in Ringkøbing-Skjern Kommune, for further information, click on one or more names of villages. If you feel tempted to live in a village, please proceed to more information on the website of each individual village.
On the map you will find the following villages in Ringkøbing-Skjern Kommune:
Borris, Bølling, Dejbjerg, Egeris, Faster-Astrup, Finderup, Fjelstervang, Grønbjerg, Hanning, Hee, Hemmet, Herborg, Hoven, Hover, Højmark, Kloster, Lem, Lyne, Lønborg, No, Nr. Bork, Rækker Mølle, Spjald, Stadil, Stauning, Sdr. Bork, Sdr. Vium, Tim, Torsted, Troldhede, Vedersø, Velling, Vorgod-Barde, Vostrup, Ølstrup and Ådum.
You can also find more information about the five biggest towns in Ringkøbing-Skjern Kommune: Hvide Sande, Ringkøbing, Skjern, Tarm und Videbæk.
The railway town of Borris is located between Skjern and Herning and has about 850 citizens.
In Borris there is day care, day nurseries, after-school care facilities, a school teaching grades 1 to 6, and Dagli’Brugsen. In Borris the prerequisites for optimal salmon fishing and hunting are optimal. It is also possible to take part in various activities, such as badminton, fitness, gymnastics, handball, theatre, croquet, outdoor- and indoor football, billiards, and mother-father-child football. Borris also houses a Chinese restaurant, a newly established Health- and Medical Clinic Helsecenter Midt and the Dalager Market, which is rich in traditions. Tractor Pulling at Easter at Borris Landsbrugsskoles Arena, yearly attracts many people to Borris. Here is also a Share-a-car-arrangement.
Read more: www.borris.dk /Borris
Bølling has approximately 200 citizens. Bølling is part of the strong co-operation between the cluster of the villages of Finderup, Hanning and Sædding, and the slightly bigger Rækker Mølle.
Day care, day nursery, school and after-school care facilities are in the neighbouring village of Rækker Mølle, a 5-minute drive from Bølling. The community hall in Bølling forms the basis of a community where the citizens of the village meet around Shrovetide parties, flea markets, Midsummer parties etc.
Dejbjerg has approximately 500 citizens in its parish, of which 120 in the city, which is located on the hilly heather with a view to the Ringkøbing Fjord and close to the railway town of Skjern.
It is only about a 10-minute drive to a crèche, a day nursery, and school in the neighbouring village of Stauning. There is a bus service between Dejbjerg and Stauning picking up passengers all over the parish. In Stauning-Dejbjerg U&I it is possible to take part in various activities, such as badminton, mountainbiking for children, petanque, Carpet Bowl and gymnastics. In the backyard you will find Dejbjerg GOLF CLUB and the popular gymnastics boarding school Dejbjerglund Boarding School.
The well over 115 citizens in the village of Egeris live in a beautiful and recreational area close to river and woodland.
Within as little as a 3-kilometre distance there are more than 800 work places. It is a 5-15-minute drive to day care, crèche, day nurseries, and good schools in the neighbouring towns of Troldhede, Videbæk, Tarm, and Skjern, where you also can do your daily shopping. The community in Egeris is yearly celebrated through a Midsummer Party, a summer party and the lightning of the Christmas tree. Egeris is a 15-minute drive from the motorways leading to Aarhus and Vejle-Copenhagen/Naples. Midtjylland´s Airport is a 50-minute drive from Egeris. Furthermore, Billund Airport is only a 40-minute drive away, if you need to go to destinations abroad.
Die gut 340 Einwohner von Faster-Astrup haben Tagespflege, einen Kindergarten mit guten Sportmöglichkeiten, Kinderhort und eine Schule bis zur 6. Klasse.The well over 340 citizens in Faster-Astrup have a day care, a gymnastics day nursery, after-school care facilities and a school teaching grades 1 to 6.
In Faster-Astrup there is a biking club, a hunting association, a badminton club, a football club, a gymnastics association, a knitting club, and a glider club. The old, renovated dairy houses a grocer, a photographer, a vet, and the private, owner-run library. The Ejstrup lignite lakes, are the closest neighbours, and the good walking- and mountain bike paths in the hilly terrain are ready to be explored when you return from work. Angling is also a possibility.
Read more: www.faster-astrup.dk/ Faster-Astrup
Finderup has well over 100 citizens. Day care, day nursery and school is in Rækker Mølle, a 7-minute drive from Finderup.
You will also find Finderup Bording School in the village. It is a remedial boarding school for young people between the ages of 14-18. It is based on the Christian youth organisation KFUM & KFUK and Y’s Men. Finderup is part of the strong co-operation between the cluster of the villages of Bølling, Hanning, and Sædding and the slightly bigger village of Rækker Mølle. In connection with Finderup you will find a natural history Adventure Park with a multi-track, a football field, a Tarzan track, and shelters, where it is possible to go for a walk through the planted trees, starting with the few plants and bushes of the Ice Age to the neat and straight lines of trees of today.
There are about 470 citizens in the village of Fjelstervang, located 10 minutes from Herning and the motorways to Aarhus and Vejle-Copenhagen/Naples.
The school has a weekly nature class, after-school care facilities, and a day nursery including a crèche. The playground, covering 5000 sq. metres, is surrounded by hills, woodland, a vegetable garden, fruit trees, and bushes. In Fjelstervang there is a grocer, a garden society, FDF scouts, an OAP club, and at the same time it is possible to do various activities, such as gymnastics, football, handball, badminton, petanque, and running. Denmark’s first Outdoor community Hall forms the basis of many joint activities in Fjelstervang. Midtjylland´s Airport is a 40-minute drive from Fjelstervang, and only a 5-minute drive from Fjelstervang you will find Jyllands Park Zoo, Momhøje Nature Centre og Haunstrup lignite mining fields.
Grønbjerg, with its approximately 400 citizens, is located in a hilly landscape.
Grønbjerg is only about a 30-minute drive for lots of jobs in Holstebro, Herning, Ringkøbing, and Videbæk and a little less than a 50-minute drive from Midtjylland´s Airport.
In Grønbjerg there is a day care, an integrated crèche, and a day nursery, after-school care facilities and an independent school teaching grades 1 to 9, including weekly nature classes. Grønbjerg has a billiards club, a youth club, a hunting association, a readers’ club, a garden society, a knitting café, and the women’s club called “Margrethes døtre”. You can also participate in gymnastics, badminton, riding, and football in Grønbjerg. Several people in Grønbjerg are hobby farmers and are keeping horses.
Hanning, in the middle of the moors at Dejbjerg Plantage, has 130 citizens. There is a regular bus service to Skjern, which is only a 5-8-minute drive from Hanning.
Day nursery and school are in the neighbouring village of Rækker Mølle, only a 3-minute drive from Hanning. In Hanning the youngest children are introduced to nature on a daily basis via Friluftsrådets Green day care ensuring that all children are introduced to the various seasons and follow the food from “farm to table”. The houses in Hanning are in good repair and can be bought at considerably lower prices than in the towns. The former nursing home has been bought by a group of private investors and has been transformed into tenancies. Hanning is part of the strong village co-operation between Bølling, Finderup, and Sædding, and the slightly bigger village of Rækker Mølle.
Approximately 510 people live in the railway town of Hee, only a 10-minute drive from Ringkøbing.
Hee Children’s Universe houses a crèche, a day nursery, after-school care facilities and a school teaching from grades 1 to 6. In Hee it is possible to buy daily groceries, to take part in various activities, such as football, gymnastics, badminton, and volleyball. There are also both a hunting association, a Women’s Forum, a Brewers’ Guild, a Knitting Club, and the possibility of performing in amateur theatre. Besides, there is also a possibility of angling and canoeing on the Hover River. The parish of Hee is part of the Vestrum co-operation between the cluster of the villages No, Tim, Stadil, Vedersø, Hover, and Torsted.
There are about 340 citizens in Hemmet, which is located close to the Ringkøbing Fjord.
In Hemmet there is a day nursery with a crèche, and it is only 4 km by biking path to Bork school, which has after-school care facilities. It has a new activity- and cultural house and a Dagli’Brugsen in the village. Hemmet has good bus services to the major neighbouring towns of Tarm and Nr. Nebel, biking paths, and the possibility of using teletaxis. Besides, Hemmet is only about a 60- minute drive from Billund Airport.
There are about 500 citizens in the parish of Herborg, which is located at Videbæk between Ringkøbing and Herning.
Herborg is close to the motorways to Aarhus and Vejle-Copenhagen-Naples and only about a 45-minute drive from Midtjylland´s Airport. In Herborg there is an integrated crèche and a day care and after-school care facilities as well as an independent school teaching grades 1 to 8, and a youth club. From Herborg there is an asphalt paved walking- and biking path to Videbæk. Kuben, the new leisure- and cultural centre, forms the basis of football, gymnastics with a jump pit, badminton, croquet, and line dance. There is also a hunting association in Herborg and an art school. In the middle of the village you will find Herborg Søcamping with a fishing lake.
Hoven is the nature suburb of Lego. There are approximately 240 citizens in the village, which is located about 30 minutes’ drive from Billund Airport.
Hoven has a day care, a crèche and a day nursery. The village also has a sports hall, a scout hut, and Denmark’s first Incect Farm at Heimdal Gods. The river in Hoven is stretching for more than 50 km with a lot of angling opportunities and large red deer populations.
The parish of Hover has about 400 citizens and is located between Ringkøbing, Videbæk, and Holstebro.
Hover Stream winds its way through the landscape and the closest neighbor is the Hoverdal Plantation, which has both marked walking- and biking paths, shelter places, and running paths. In Hover there is a crèche, a combined day nursery and after-school care facilities, which have The green Flag, of the Outdoor Council, and in Torsted an independent school teaching grades 1 to 8. It is possible to play badminton and do gymnastics in the Hover Leisure-and Cultural Centre as well as indoor- and outdoor football. The Danish Nature Agency sells one-day hunting licenses. The Hover parish is part of Vestrum, which is a co-operation between Tim, Hover, Torsted, Hee, No, Stadil, and Vedersø.
Hvide Sande
Hvide Sande is the fifth largest town with 3,000 citizens. With its position, right in the middle between the North Sea and the Ringkøbing Fjord, Hvide Sande is the optimal place if you want to live close by the sea. Here you may be fortunate enough to find a home overlooking both sides, and under all circumstances, you will be able to live in walking distance of both the roaring sea and the calmer water of the Fjord, where there are optimal conditions for a number of water sports activities.
The parish of Højmark has approximately 850 citizens, including 270 in the village, which is surrounded by farms, woodland and moors with a view to the Ringkøbing Fjord and only a 30-minute drive from the North Sea.
Højmark is centrally located as regards the many work places in Videbæk, Ringkøbing, and Skjern. Højmark has a green and strong professional Children´s World, whose focus areas i.a. are “from farm to table”, and physical and mental well-being. There are both ordinary day cares and outdoor day cares, day nursery, after-school care facilities and a school teaching grades 1 to 6. In Højmark it is possible to join activities, such as gymnastics, handball, badminton, Dance Fit, Indoor Cycling, running, fitness, angling and shooting. As the leisure activities are directly connected with the day nursery and after-school care facility the children can be sent directly to these activities. There is also a hunting club, an OAP club, and a junior club. The energy and teamspirit in Højmark are especially evident in connection with the summer fête, Shrovetide, communal eating, and the Share-a-car-arrangment. Close to Højmark you will find the WOW-Park, playland in the crown of the trees. In co-operation with the neighbouring town of Lem, Højmark also arranges Running Dinners.
Surrounded by the North Sea, two fjords and the Vonå River in the middle of the Realm of Nature you will find Holmsland, consisting of Ny Sogn and Gl. Sogn. There are 1,400 citizens in the two parishes, including around 650 in the village of Kloster.
In Kloster there is the Dagli’Brugs, private child minders, a day nursery with crèche and a school teaching grades 1 to 6, including after-school care facilities. At the Holmbohjemmet (a nursing home) living facilities for citizens requiring care are offered. From Kloster it is only a 10-minute drive to the North Sea, the Ringkøbing Fjord and the Stadil Fjord. There are biking paths in both Ringkøbing, Søndervig, and Hvide Sande. Holmsland Sports- andt Cultural Centre forms the basis of i.a. lectures, art exhibitions, private parties, football, gymnastics, shooting, fitness, Indoor Cycling, croquet, floorball, and not least communal eating. In 2014 the centre was extended with a super modern jump pit and big trampolines. Kloster also offers leisure activities in a shooting club, a hunting association, and a kayaking club with weekly club nights at Røjklit Harbour. Here is also a Share-a-car-arrangement.
Lem, the town of the blacksmiths, has approximately 1,400 citizens. The wind turbine giant VESTAS was founded in Lem, and the town is known for 2.000 engineering- and industrial workplaces.
You can learn more about the industrial development in Lem in the House of the Blacksmiths. The railway town of Lem is located between Skjern and Ringkøbing and in Lem there is a municipal and a private day care, a day nursery, after-school care facilities, and both a primary school and a secondary school. Lem also has the Dagli’Brugs and a florist. The town has a nursing home, and besides a sports hall, you will also find a public indoor swimming pool in Lem. It is possible to join various activities, such as football, gymnastics, and many more in the sports hall. There are also many active associations: i.a. the scouts, the hunting association, a readers’ club, a painting club, an OAP club, and a walking group for women. Every year the Lem Revue unifies the whole town in a big joint party, and in co-operation with the neighbouring town of Højmark, Lem also yearly arranges Running Dinner. Here is also a Share-a-car-arrangement.
Read more: www.6940.dk / Lem
There are around 230 citizens in Lyne. The village is located close to the main road A11 and the many industrial workplaces in Skjern, Ølgod, and Varde, as well as the Billund Airport.
Lyne has a private day care, a day nursery with crèche, after-school care facilities, a youth club, and an independent school teaching grades 1 to 8. The school offers weekly classes in nature, including a garden- and forest project. Furthermore, there is a Dagli’Brugsen, two petrol stations, one of which has a gaming hall and a takeaway and a community hall. In Lyne it is possible to join various activities, such as badminton, billiards, football, gymnastics, handball, volleyball, crocket, petanque, MTB, and Indoor cycling. There are a hunting association and various evening classes, and Folk High School Days are also arranged.
Lønborg, which is located on the edge of Denmark’s only river delta, Skjern Å, has approximately 250 citizens.
There is a private day care in Lønborg and the neighbouring village of Vostrup. Day nursery, after-school care facilities and school with secondary education can be found in Tarm, a little less than 10 minutes’ drive from Lønborg. The Billund Airport is only a 50-minute drive away. In co-operation with the neighbouring village of Vostrup it is possible to join gymnastics, badminton, scout, lace making, and oil- and china painting. Lønborggaard Holiday Center, whose history dates back to the 14th century, is closely situated to the village.
Only 5 minutes’ drive north of Ringkøbing you will find the village of No with 270 citizens.
In No you will find Børnehuset with a crèche, a day nursery, and a youth club. Schools can be found in the neighbouring town of Hee and Ringkøbing, only a 5-10-minute drive from No. In No you can easily be active. Physically in the fitness hall in No Sognehus, which is also the hub of the social life in No. There is also a model aircraft club and a knitting- and crochet café in No. The parish of No is part of the Vestrum co-operation between the cluster of the villages Hee, Tim, Stadil, Vedersø, Hover, and Torsted.
Nr. Bork
There are about 200 citizens in Nr. Bork. In Nr. Bork there is a day care and school teaching grades 1-6.
The day nursery is in the neighbouring town of Hemmet, which is connected with a biking path to Nr. Bork. In Nr. Bork it is possible to join various activities, such as football, gymnastics, handball, badminton, bowls, petanque, and Indoor Cycling.
In Nr. Bork you will also find the highly recognized BOARDING SCHOOL for young people with spelling- and literacy problems. Bork Harbour at Ringkøbing Fjord is less than 5 minutes’ drive from Nr. Bork. Here it is possible to Surf and rent a berth for your boat. All associations in Bork yearly arrange Denmark’s fifth largest music festival: Bork Festival.
Ringkøbing is the oldest town in the Ringkøbing-Skjern municipality with a little less than 10,000 citizens. As one of the oldest market towns in Denmark the presence of history can clearly be felt in its streets, and the combination of modern-day town life and town development makes Ringkøbing a unique and charming town to settle in.
Rækker Mølle
Rækker Mølle, which is located in a hilly landscape close to Skjern, has 360 citizens.
In Rækker Mølle there is a day care, a day nursery, after-school care facilities, and a school teaching grades 1 to 6. It is possible to join scouts, football, handball, gymnastics, volleyball, and badminton in Rækker Mølle. There is a running club, a church choir, a hunting association, a croquet club, and a Mini Folk High School with 8 morning lectures during the winter. Ganer River runs through Rækker Mølle, which also houses a Brewery and Restaurant. Rækker Møllegaard forms the basis of i.a. a flea market, a Christmas market, rallies on Constitution Day etc. Close to Rækker Mølle you will find Sædding Boarding School. The world-famous Danish theologian and philosopher, Søren Kierkegaard, descends from the Rækker Mølle Area.
Skjern is the second largest town in the Ringkøbing-Skjern municipality. There are about 8000 citizens in the town, which in 1958 became the youngest market town in Denmark, hence also the last one in the country. Handball, salmon, and Holger Danske among others, place Skjern on the map.
There are a little above 1,300 citizens in Spjald, which is located close to Videbæk and only 30 minutes from even more workplaces in Herning, Holstebro, Ringkøbing, and Skjern and approximately 50 minutes from Midtjylland´s Airport.
Spjald boasts a flourishing commercial life and has several shops, i.a. SuperBrugsen and Ramsing Shopping Center. In Spjald there is a daycare, a day nursery, after-school care facilities, and a school teaching grades 1 to 9. There are both a public indoor swimming pool and a sports hall in Spjald, and it is possible to join activities, such as badminton, football, gymnastics, and handball. Besides, you can join scouts, a running- and biking club, a hunting association, a musical society, a garden society, and evening folk high school classes. Close to Spjald you will also find the popular gymnastics boarding school Brejninggaard. Since 1980 the town has annually arranged and hosted the Ramsing Cup, which is one of Denmark’s biggest football tournaments for children counting around 6,000 participants.
Read more: www.spjald.dk / Spjald
Sdr. Bork
Sdr. Bork, which is close to Nr. Nebel, Varde, and the Billund Airport, has around 160 citizens.
There is a day care, and cycling paths connect Sdr. Bork with the neighbouring villages of Hemmet, which is where the day nursery is, and Nr. Bork whose school is teaching classes up to and including the 6th grade. Sdr. Bork Boarding School is centrally located in the village. The newly renovated community hall forms the basis of the annual Nature Harvest Festival and houses daily activities, such as playroom, creative sewing- and design workshop facilities for children and adults, billiards, petanque lanes, a men´s- and senior club, as well as a reading club for adults.
Bork Harbour at Ringkøbing Fjord is less than 5 minutes’ drive from Sdr. Bork. Here it is possible to Surf and rent a berth for your boat. All associations in Bork yearly arrange Denmark’s fifth largest music festival: Bork Festival.
Sdr. Vium
In the village of Sdr. Vium, located between Skjern and Varde and close to the Billund Airport and Bork Harbour there are 180 citizens.
Sdr. Vium has a private day care, a 24-7 day nursery with crèche. Approximately 10 minutes’ drive from Sdr. Vium heading towards Lyne there is an independent school teaching up to grade 8, and heading towards Nr. Bork there is a primary school teaching grades 1-6. In Sdr. Vium it is possible to join gymnastics, scout, and theatre. There are ongoing courses in cooking, jewellery design, first-aid, sewing, lace making, as well as floral arrangement classes, art classes, and felting classes etc. Furthermore, there is a children’s club for creative youngsters and children, and local caretakers ensure the tidiness and cleanliness of the village.
There are about 450 citizens in the parish of Stadil, which is located close to the North Sea, at the foot of the Stadil Fjord and the Vest Stadil Fjord.
In Stadil there is both municipal and private nature day cares, an integrated independent day nursery and after-school care facilities with Green Flags, and an independent school teaching grades 1 to 8. The biggest workplace in Stadil is Stadil Machine Factory with around 40 workplaces. In Stadil it is possible to join activities, such as gymnastics, football, and badminton. Furthermore, there is a garden society, a scout club, and a women’s cultural club. Stadil and Vedersø are co-operating about everything and see themselves as one village with around 800 citizens. Besides, Stadil is part of Vestrum, a cluster co-operation between the following villages: No, Hee, Hover, Tim, Torsted and Vedersø.
Read more: facebook.com/stadilogvedersoe/
Located at the Ringkøbing Fjord between Ringkøbing and Skjern you will find Stauning, which has 800 citizens.
In Stauning there is the LokalBrugsen, a day care, a day nursery with crèche, and an integrated after-school care facility in connection with the school. The school teaches grades 1-6. In Stauning it is possible to join activities, such as handball, football, gymnastics, petanque, volleyball, and American Tackle Football. There are also good opportunities of canoeing and kayaking in the shallow waters of the Ringkøbing Fjord. STAUNING HARBOUR is a cosy fjord harbour, where both anglers, ornithologists, and yachters like to hang out. Here you will also find a restaurant with local produce on the menu. The neighbour of the village is the award winning STAUNING WHISKY, and the village yearly arranges the Stauning JAZZ FESTIVAL. The local area also houses STAUNING AIRPORT, a flying club, a veteran flying club and a museum with a collection of VINTAGE AIRCRAFT.
Read more: WWW.STAUNING.DK / Stauning
With approximately 4,000 citizens, Tarm is the fourth largest and southernmost of the major towns of the Ringkøbing-Skjern municipality. The town dates back to the 14th century and was for several hundred years a trading place for the cattle drive from Limfjorden to Northern Germany. Tarm can still boast an active trade and industry with an exciting town development.
There are approximately 1,200 citizens in the parish of Tim, including 900 in the railway town of Tim, where there are both northbound and southbound train services.
Tim is about a 20-minute drive from Ringkøbing and Holstebro, 45 minutes from Herning, and only a 15-minute drive from the North Sea. Tim is surrounded by the Western Jutland forests of Hoverdal and Rejkjær Sande, Tim Bog and Vester Tim Meadows. In Tim there is a Dagli’Brugsen, a medical clinic, municipal and private child minders, a new day nursery, with an integrated crèche and a primary- and secondary school (grades 1-9) including after-school care facilities. In Tim it is possible to join activities, such as indoor- and outdoor football, handball, running, cycling, gymnastics, badminton, tennis, and croquet. Furthermore, there are both a shooting association and a hunting association, DDS Scouts, a garden society, a reading club, and an OAP club. The community spirit in Tim can be seen when there are events like communal eating, lectures, spring fête with revue, forest days, and computer party, and in particular in connection with the imminent maintenance and expansion of the Tim Sports Hall. Besides, Tim is part of Vestrum, a cluster co-operation between the following villages: No, Hee, Hover, Stadil, Torsted, and Vedersø.
Read more: www.tim-sogn.dk /Tim
About 200 people live in Torsted, which is beautifully located between the Hoverdal Plantation and the Kronhede Plantation.
The village is a 30-minute drive from Ringkøbing and Holstebro and has a strong co-operation with the neighbouring village of Hover, which is only a 10-minute drive from Torsted. In Hover you will find the children’s house, which consists of a crèche, a day nursery and an integrated after-school care facility. Torsted also has the Hover-Torsted independent school teaching grades 1-8, including a youth club. In Torsted you will find both a hunting association and a mother’s group meeting at varying intervals. Torsted is just the place for you who are “just crazy about nature”. Here you can count the stars, because you won’t be distracted by street lights. Several times a year Torsted organizes the most beautiful running event in Denmark, the Klausie-Løbet, which also has a night version. Close to Torsted is also a Farm Visit. Besides, Torsted is part of Vestrum, a co-operation between a cluster of the following villages: No, Hee, Tim, Stadil, Vedersø, and Hover.
The railway town of Troldhede with 660 citizens is located in the backyard of Herning and the motorways to Aarhus and Vejle-Copenhagen/Naples. The town is known for its many workplaces
Troldhede has a day care, a day nursery, and a primary school up to the 6th grade with after-school care facilities. In Troldhede it is possible to join badminton, handball, football, gymnastics, billiards, bowls, croquet, petanque, Indoor Cycling, mountain biking, Kung Fu, and Tai Chi. The Lignite lake at Troldhede invites to both walking and running. Troldhede is an annual meeting place for 300 young people at the LAN-party. Last, but not least The Jutland Championship in the board game, Partners is being settled in Troldhede.
Read more: www.troldhede.nu /Troldhede
The approximately 350 citizens in the parish of Vedersø are living close to the North Sea and Nørresø in a nature resort with open spaces and predominantly ecological farming.
In Vedersø there are both municipal and private child minders. In the neighbouring village of Stadil, which can be reached by biking path, you will find the integrated independent day nursery and after-school care facilities, as well as the independent school, which teaches 1st to 8th grade. The village houses the popular Vedersø Gymnastics Boarding School and The international boarding School, attracting young people from all over the world. In Vedersø you will find some of the best facilities in Denmark within gymnastics and jump. Together with the fitness centre they are both open to the locals. There is a shooting association with indoor lanes, a scout club (Stadil-Vedersø FDF), and the possibility of riding Icelandic horses at the local riding centre. Besides, there are lots of possibilities of hunting and angling in the area around Stadil-Vedersø. The biggest workplace in Vedersø is Vedersø Gymnastics Boarding School with approximately 40 workplaces. The vicarage of Kaj Munk in Vedersø forms the basis of many cultural offers during the year. Stadil and Vedersø are co-operating about everything and see themselves as one village with about 800 citizens. In addition to this, Vedersø is part of Vestrum, which is a co-operation between a cluster of the following villages: No, Hee, Tim, Torsted, Stadil, and Hover.
Read more: facebook.com/stadilogvedersoe/
Velling, on the edge of the Ringkøbing Fjord and only 10 minutes’ drive from Ringkøbing, has around 270 citizens.
In Velling there is a grocer, two child minders, an independent day nursery with after-school care facilities, belonging to Velling Independent School, which teaches grades 1-8. In Velling it is possible to join activities, such as petanque, badminton, volleyball, football, gymnastics, bowls, billiards, floorball, and kayaking. In addition to this, there is a choir, an OAP club, and a hunting association. In Velling you will also find Fjordvang Boarding School and the generally creative Vestjyllands folk high School. In connection with the folk high school you can also visit The garden of Wonder.
Read more: www.velling.eu / Velling
With approximately 4,200 citizens Videbæk is the third largest town in the Ringkøbing-Skjern municipality. At the same time it is the most eastern town in the municipality, and Videbæk is popularly known as the gate between Western Jutland and Central Jutland and close to everything. It is only a short drive to both big workplaces and the major towns on all the outskirts of the area.
A little more than 1,000 people live in Vorgod-Barde, which is only a 5-minute drive from Videbæk, which has good shopping facilities and workplaces.
Vorgod-Barde is close to both Herning and the motorways to Aarhus and Vejle-Copenhagen/Naples and Midtjylland´s Airport. Vorgod-Barde has a day care, a day nursery and a school teaching until the 6th grade and an after-school care facility. In Vorgod-Barde it is possible to join activities, such as badminton, gymnastics, football, handball, fitness, volleyball, spinning, and petanque. There is also a running club, a biking club, and a revue committee. For information about renting kayaks and canoes for sailing on the Vorgod Stream, click Hier. In addition, Vorgod-Barde is close to Jylland´s Park Zoo and is a good point of departure for hiking- and biking trips with campsites right by the Vorgod Stream.
Read more: www.vorgod-barde.dk / Vorgod-Barde
Vostrup has approximately 100 citizens. It is located close to Tarm, Varde, and Billund Airport.
There is a day care in Vostrup and in the neighbouring village of Lønborg. Day nursery, after-school care facilities, and school with secondary education can be found in Tarm. In co-operation with the neighbouring town of Lønborg it is possible to join activities, such as gymnastics, badminton, scout, lace making and oil- and china painting. Vostrup also has a community hall and a communal hall, hosting the associations of the villages.
There are about 290 citizens in Ølstrup, which is located between Videbæk and Ringkøbing.
In early 2017 Ølstrup acquired a totally new institution with a day nursery, a crèche, and after-school care facilities, as well as the multi-house, Kernen, with party- and sports facilities. It is located next to the independent school, which teaches grades 1 to 8. There is a Dagli’Brugsen in Ølstrup, and it is possible to join activities, such as football, gymnastics, croquet, and petanque. In addition, there is a housewives’ association and a hunting association. The Ølstrup bathing lake, Vanting Sø, forms the basis of Ølstrup Mini Triatlon.
There are about 740 citizens in the parish of Ådum, including a little more than 230 in the village of Ådum, which is only 30 minutes’ drive from Varde and Billund Airport, and 45 minutes from Esbjerg.
The companies of LEGO, Vestas, HTH, and Siemens are all located within less than 30 minutes’ drive. In Ådum there is a grocer, a sports day nursery, including a crèche, and a primary school teaching up to the 6th grade, including after-school care facilities, and a youth club for pupils from the 5th grade and above. In Ådum it is possible to join activities, such as badminton, football, petanque, gymnastics, tennis, volleyball, spinning, and outdoor fitness. There is also a housewives’ association, which among other things yearly arranges and hosts a social gathering around a typical West Jutland coffee table. In Ådum they have a communal minibus, which can be rented, and which is allowed to be driven with your current driving license. Herd paths around Ådum give easy access to the lignite lakes and the surrounding nature. Ådum is also located close to salmon fishing, in the Skjern Å stream, and it is only 5 minutes’ drive from Skærbæk Mølle Golf Club.
The Chinnow family
In 2019 the Chinnow family moved from Löbau in Germany to Hvide Sande in Denmark. Four years later the family is not in doubt: -We’ll stay here!
The couple Dagmar and Udo are working at the local companies, Hvide Sande Røgeri and Danwest, and they both see the career opportunities as one of the really big gains of having moved to Ringkøbing-Skjern Kommune. Here they have been able to let go of their previous worries about job safety and fair pay, and last year their dream of buying their own house came true.
The two children, Pauline and Pepe, are also happy about having moved to Hvide Sande. They like their new school and appreciate the Danish school system with less tests and more variety during the day.
In Ringkøbing-Skjern Kommune the family has found both tranquility, a house, career opportunities, and new friends. When the holiday makers have to go back after 1-2 weeks’ holiday all four of them are pleased that they can stay and fulfil more dreams in the middle between the North Sea and Ringkøbing Fjord.
Charlotte and Ian
”Above all, we just wanted to be together and live the good life. We love being together” says the Danish/English couple Charlotte and Ian Coles who have settled down in an idyllic old farm house at Kloster, halfway between the Ringkøbing Fjord and the Stadil Fjord and close to the town of Ringkøbing.
It is not surprising that the couple had a wish of the good life in peaceful surroundings with lots of nature. Ian was a Major in the British Army, which meant the couple had moved around military bases in England and Germany for years. Ian had also been deployed close to the world’s war zones, leaving Charlotte alone and suffering months of deprivation during their first year in Ringkøbing-Skjern Municipality.
They bought the old farmhouse overlooking the Stadil Fjord in 2013, and Charlotte moved in full-time, while Ian could only come home as work allowed. But now the good life has really started as Ian retired this summer.
Ian is 48 years old and he has just landed a job with Vestas - the wind turbine manufacturer – as a Project Training Leader.
Charlotte and Ian - Read the full story here